There are many and varied symptoms experienced by women navigating times of hormonal change, such as peri-menopause and menopause. Some of these can be effectively modulated with targeted essential oil therapy. Meno-Free is an aromatherapy range of targeted skincare solutions to naturally alleviate and soothe the diverse issues that arise at this stage of life, and to promote balance in the body, mind, and spirit.
While essential oils cannot claim to alleviate the 30+ commonly experienced menopausal symptoms, they may go some way towards helping women cope with them in a pleasant, effective and non-invasive way. Meno-Free is further enhanced by the inclusion of Homeopathic energetic preparations to provide an additional subtle yet profound aspect of relief.
We interviewed Dr Sandi Nye, doctor of Naturopathy and Clinical Aromatherapist, and formulator of the MenoFree range of products, to find out more about the inspiration for this unique range.
Where did the idea of a range for specifically menopausal woman come from?
An aromatherapeutic approach to Menopause care has not traditionally been a focus of mainstream or alternative healthcare, and what is readily available generally comes in the form of drugs, nutritional supplements, and/or lifestyle advice. There was, and still is, a large gap in topical treatments for more immediate relief, and as I and my colleagues personally approached menopause, we took a vested interest in creating our own solution.
What was important to consider when creating treatments for this phase of life?
First and foremost, we must recognize that this period is characterized by hormonal changes, so we want to avoid any ingredients that could interfere with this delicate system. That means staying away from synthetic and artificial ingredients and fragrances, which are known to potentially disrupt hormone balance. Of next importance is appreciating that mature skin requires different treatment than other skin types, with hydration being an important focus.
Essential oils play a pivotal role in the therapeutic aspect of this range, please tell us more on how you selected the oils used.

As an Aromatherapist, I could wax lyrical all day on this topic. For the sake of this interview, I will mention two essential oils that are used across the range for their scientific and empirical symptom-relieving properties, namely Clary Sage and Geranium.
The chemical composition of Clary Sage is has special value due to its high percentage of esters. Esters have a regulating effect on the pituitary gland – the master gland of the endocrine system — which helps to explain some of the therapeutic actions they bring to formulations designed for menopausal conditions. Esters also have anti-inflammatory, cooling, and relaxing properties and these compounds are considered particularly balancing to the sympathetic nervous system. Ester-rich essential oils are often found to be emotionally uplifting, something that is of particular value during this time in a woman’s life.
Geranium oil is another of the top ‘go-to’ oils for the many symptoms of menopause, since it concomitantly addresses anxiety, tension, depression, apathy, insomnia, lethargy, fatigue, and various other hormonally-related challenges. Geranium is also great for pepping up tired, congested and sluggish skin – another reason for including it in this formulation!